Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Happy 28th Birthday!

I had this cute idea for his birthday post...but i just haven't been my blogging self the last couple of weeks! So here is to my Hubby the hottest man alive! In the words of Ron Burgandy "You may not know me...but I'm kinda a big deal around here!" And he is in our house and Provo Utah (if you have seen his billboard! you know what i'm talking about) I'll be posting that soon!


Chris & Jennie said...

Happy Birthday Dustin! I actually saw the billboard this weekend in Orem! Way to be the big guy on campus... Haha

Mandi said...

Billboard huh? You hitting up Hollywood next?

Unknown said...

I know I already said it yesterday, but HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! I saw him out on a bike today!! woot woot! Can't wait til Saturday!

Keri said...

billboard? fill me in lis i don't live in utah county - what am i missing?