Friday, November 30, 2007


Stephanie tagged me...but I'm including Dustin in the game!

Jobs we have had:
D: APX (for life!)
L: Photographer
D: Pizza delivery guy
L: Flower shop
Both: Abercrombie & Fitch (thats where we met)

We'd like to be:
World travelers
D: A Pro football player
L: Wedding dress designer

Movies on Repeat:
D: Gladiator
L: Pride & Prejudice
D: 300, Lord of the rings...anything that has to do with foot-ball
L: Tristan & Isolde (what can i say i'm a hopeless romantic)

A few things we like to do:
D: Play X-BOX, shoot guns, dirt bike
L: Scrapbook, shop, paint

Favorite food:
D: Steak and Potatoes
L: any thing Italian
We both love Indian food, mexican food, we pretty much like all types of food!

Food we don't like:
D: loves pinneaple but we think he's allergic
L: anything that at one time had a face!

Words we don't like:
L: MOIST, Congratulations
D: Poop! Poopy!

Seven little known facts about us as a couple:

1. Dustin can function on little sleep...I however, need a ton!

2. Dustin eats lots of meat...i don't eat meat very often!

3. Dustin sleeps with his head on his arm...his arm in the air like he is raising his hand in school...I sleep with no pillow at all and usually on my stomach or in a ball!

4. Dustin played foot-ball in high school and was so good he recieved a scholarship to play but went on a mission instead...I was a cheerleader in high school...and really know nothing about the game at all!

5. Dustin tried to propose while we were both in Idaho for his sister's weddng...but the ring never game in the he flew me to Virginia (where he was living for the summer) to porpose! Virginia is for Lovers!

6. Dustin and I have moved over 11 times in our 5 year marriage (thanks APX)!

7. Dustin and I jumped out of a plane together!

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

A California Thanksgiving

This is my cousin Melissa...she has been my closest cousin growing up...we always had so much fun and we still do whenever we get together! Below is my aunt Margaret, Melissa and my mom.

Dustin and I went to California for Thanksgiving and for my cousin Hillary's wedding. It was great to see most of my Larsen cousins, parents, and grandparents! We ate a ton of amazing food, took lots of pictures, and even took a spin on the dance floor!

Monday, November 26, 2007

Us five years later

Dustin and I were married almost five years ago on December 20, 2002 in the Salt Lake Temple! This picture was taken while we waited for Dustin's cousin Derek and new bride Tracie to come out...a couple that we introduced!