I saw this on a blog and thought I would do it.
8 favorite T.V. shows:
1. Bachelor
2. American Idol
3. Jon and Kate plus 8
4. What Not to Wear
5. Project Runway
6. Divine Design
7. The Dog Whisperer
8. most history shows
8 things I did yesterday
1. Went to Layers
2. Went to lunch with My sisters in law and nieces and nephew (fun treat)
3. fed Cohen
4. Went to Pizza Factory with friends for F.H.E.
5. watched 24 with friends and my boys
6. Changed Cohen
7. blog stalked
8. slept
8 things I look forward to:
1. Cohen saying "Mommy"
2. My next vacation to Vegas in the spring
3. new floors in my house
4. Cohen's six month pictures with Skye Johansen
5. every weekend
6. taking Cohen to the pool for the first time...I think he'll love it!
7. a week of sleeping through the night
8. Having my house decorated...it looks like we just moved in.
8 favorite restaurants:
1. Ottavio's
2. Bombay House
3. P.F. Chang's
4. Cheesecake Factory
5. Cafe Rio
6. Chili 's
7. Zupas
8. Claim Jumper
8 things on my wish list:
1. Cohen to have a happy and full life
2. My family to be safe and happy
3. a new car
4. a few things for my house
5. better health
6. new summer clothes
7. a flat stomach
8. a Mediterranean cruise